About the project
This project has grappled with the problems created by class privilege and racial and cultural hierarchies within the arts and creative sectors. Its aim is, through collaborative practice, to establish ways of working that can counter barriers to entry and progression.
Researchers have critically explored principles to inform new leadership models using methods that directly engage those people who have been systematically excluded from leadership.
Key policy recommendations include:
- The need for funding and support for system-wide and mental health-informed mentoring for creatives of colour, Black, and working class creatives.
- Establishment of a permanent Commission on Fair Work in the Arts (potentially to be housed within DCMS) with an initial remit to focus on issues relating to freelance work and precarity.

Principal Investigator
Dr Amitabh S Rai
(Queen Mary University of London)
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Cultural and Creative Industries
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion