An Urgent Review of Single Source Procurement During the Pandemic
Recommendations for Best Practice and Reform
Dr Luke Butler
(University of Nottingham)

Children, acceptable health risks and COVID-19
Ethical guidance for a fair policy response
Dr Sapfo Lignou
(University of Oxford)

Combatting Gendered, Sexual and Online Harms and Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Developing Resources for Young People, Parents and Schools
Professor Kaitlynn Mendes
(University of Leicester)

Covid-19 The Ethical Exit Strategy
The path from relaxing measures to vaccination
Dr Alberto Giubilini
(University of Oxford)

Ensuring respect for human rights in locked down care homes
Professor Wayne Martin
(University of Essex)

Fraud During a Pandemic
Identifying and Appraising New Challenges for the Criminal Justice Response in England and Wales
Dr Jennifer Collins
(University of Bristol Law School)

Immunity Passport Service Design (IMMUNE)
A user centred approach to inform UK’s national exit strategy from the lockdown
Dr Panagiotis Balatsoukas
(Loughborough University)

Lex-Atlas: COVID-19
A Comparative Study of National Legal Responses to COVID-19
Prof Jeff King and Prof Octavio Luis Motta Ferraz
(University College London)

Models of equitable distribution of vaccines in international law
Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner
(Keele University)

Mutual Aid Groups and Their Lessons for Post-crisis Community Care
Dr. Oli Mould
(Royal Holloway, University of London)

The Observatory for Monitoring Data-Driven Responses to COVID-19
Dr Marion Oswald
(Northumbria University)

The Covid-19 Review Observatory
Tracking Parliaments’ Performance in the UK during the Pandemic
Professor Fiona de Londras
(Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham)

The Role of Good Governance and the Rule of Law in Building Public Trust in Data-Driven Responses to Public Health Emergencies
Dr Jan van Zyl Smit
(University of Birmingham)

When Pandemic and Everyday Ethics Collide
Supporting Ethical Decision-Making in Maternity Care and Paediatrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr Lucy Frith
(University of Liverpool)