These pages bring together policy implications and recommendations emerging from studies within the Pandemic and Beyond portfolio.
Follow themed links below for more information about individual studies and to download short policy briefing papers and other resources. Where possible, this information will be updated as findings emerge.
The projects appearing on these pages are those for which there are specific policy recommendations available. However, other projects (all 77 of them) can be explored through the Projects page.
Arts & health and wellbeing
Research has addressed issues of direct relevance for the support of individual, social and community health, mental health and wellbeing.
Cultural and creative industries
Research has shown how the crisis is galvanising practitioners and stakeholders in the cultural sector to find new models for producing work and for reaching audiences.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
The pandemic has highlighted systemic inequalities across society. An interest in exploring and addressing these has been explicit in or threaded through many of the AHRC-funded COVID-19 studies.
Governance: Ethics, data and procurement
Research has examined questions relating to legal and ethical preparedness and responsiveness within health and social care and in government.
Guidance, messaging and behaviour change
Research has been vital in helping us understand how public health messages are received within different communities.
Arts and Humanities researchers have highlighted the complex and difficult situations in which health and care staff have found themselves during the pandemic.
Nature and Sustainability
Arts and Humanities research on Covid-19 often has a bearing on environmental sustainability and the relationship between the individual and their natural environment.
Places and communities
The challenges of the pandemic have often demanded local and place-based responses that can speak directly to the needs of particular communities.
Skills and training
Innovation and adaptation, including the move to digital, has been a feature of individual and organisational response to the pandemic across the arts and creative sector.