Places and Communities

The challenges of the pandemic have often demanded local and place-based responses that can speak directly to the needs of particular communities. 

Through Arts and Humanities research, we now know more about the way in which local cultural ecologies and infrastructures function, including how these have been impacted by the crisis. Studies have emphasised the importance of strong partnerships and networks for resilience and recovery of the cultural sector. They have shown the vital role cross-sector collaborations play in delivering services to communicate with and support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, including children and young people and ethnically minoritised population groups. 

Researchers have explored our experiences of mutual aid and community groups and assets, our interactions with the natural and built environment, experiences in domestic space, and the creation of digital experiences of place. There are implications for how environments are designed and how they might be mobilised now and in response to future crises.


British Ritual Innovation under COVID-19

Dr. Joshua Edelman
(Manchester Metropolitan University)

Community COVID

Combating social isolation through creative and community engagement: COVID and beyond

Professor Helen Chatterjee
(University College London)


Culture and the Arts, from Restriction to Enhancement: Protecting Mental Health in the Liverpool City Region

Professor Josie Billington
(University of Liverpool)

Cultural Translation and Interpreting of COVID-19 Risks among London’s Migrant Communities

Dr Nana Sato-Rossberg
(School of Oriental and African Studies)


Digital, Regeneration and Experience Economy Modelling

Professor Jane Harris
(University of the Arts, London)

Nature’s way

Co-creating methods for innovating nature-based solutions for public health and green recovery in a post-covid world

Dr Qian Sun
(Royal College of Art)

Outside the Box

Open-air performance as a pandemic response

Dr Evelyn O’Malley
(University of Exeter)

Re-inventing the live event

Dr Sarah Pogoda
(Bangor University)

Responding to and modelling the impact of COVID-19 for sheffield’s cultural ecology

A case study of impact and recovery

Professor Vanessa Toulmin
(University of Sheffield)

Stay Home Stories

Rethinking the Domestic During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Professor Alison Blunt
(Queen Mary University of London)

Walking publics / Walking arts

Walking, wellbeing, and community during COVID-19

Professor Dee Heddon
(University of Glasgow)