Re-inventing the Live Event

About the project This project interrogated how artists can re-invent the live event in response to the new conditions of production and altered spacial dynamics of performance created by the pandemic. It involved quantitative and qualitative investigation of artist practice and audience engagement during a live events arts festival, organised and pursued followed Covid-19 restrictions, […]

Grassroots Visual Storytelling About Community Food Growing

About the project In this project, participants in community food-growing initiatives made short films about their experiences during COVID-19. They learned methods for visual storytelling, filming and editing. Their films show that the pandemic created difficulties for food initiatives but stimulated co-operative efforts to sustain or expand them. Activities had helped provide benefits for health […]

Collaborative Solutions for the Performing Arts: A Telepresence Stage

About the project This project has aimed to identify new and creative ways for actors, dancers and other performing arts professionals to rehearse and interact together in shared online spaces, and to produce collaborative live performances from remote sites. Through a series of residencies, and breaking from the paradigm of the web conference, the Telepresence […]


The Arts and Humanities Contribution to Covid-19 Research and Recovery: a snapshot

by Pascale Aebischer, Des Fitzgerald, Sarah Hartley, Rachael Nicholas and Victoria Tischler In this blog post, we present a snapshot of what we have learned about the distinctive Arts and Humanities contribution to Covid-19 research and recovery and the positive impacts this research has had on society, culture, health and decision-making. The Pandemic and Beyond team has reached the end of the phase of work dedicated to bringing the researchers […]


Masking uncertainty on the bus: risk and responsibility after ‘freedom day’

By Emma Roe*, Paul Hurley*, Charlotte Veal** and Sandra Wilks***. Project: ‘Routes of infection, routes to safety: Creative mapping of human-viral behaviours on the bus to understand infection prevention practices’ On a day heralded by some, including members of the UK government before it took a more cautious tone[1], as ‘freedom day’, the Prime Minister, […]


These pages bring together policy implications and recommendations emerging from studies within the Pandemic and Beyond portfolio. Follow themed links below for more information about individual studies and to download short policy briefing papers and other resources. Where possible, this information will be updated as findings emerge. The projects appearing on these pages are those […]


The Pandemic and Beyond brings together over 70 research projects in the Arts and Humanities that have examined the Covid-19 pandemic and are suggesting solutions to the urgent problems that have been created or exacerbated by the pandemic. We are a virtual hub where researchers, user groups, journalists and policymakers can meet, find out about […]