Children, acceptable health risks and COVID-19: Ethical guidance for a fair policy response

About the project This project explored how the health systems response to the COVID-19 pandemic affected children and young people with long-term health conditions in the UK. It analysed the impact of the pandemic on healthcare delivery and access, the potential of innovative practices developed in response to the pandemic, and how service restrictions have […]

Guidance, Messaging and Behaviour Change

Arts and Humanities research during the pandemic has been vital in helping us understand how public health messages are received within different communities, how communication platforms affect interpretation and reach, and how effective messaging can combat misinformation and build public trust.  Researchers have investigated how rumours and conspiracy theories originate, how they spread and the […]

The Application of Motion-Capture Technology in Telematic and Virtual Dance Performance Through a Framework for Long-distance Remote Communication

About the project This project involved the development, testing, and implementation of an open-source software tool for the real-time streaming of motion capture data. The Goldsmiths MoCap Streamer allowed dancers from different locations to meet and dance together in a shared virtual space, with a convincing sense of physical co-presence, direct interaction, and virtual touch. […]

Combatting Gendered, Sexual and Online Harms and Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Developing Resources for Young People, Parents and Schools

Case Study Sexual and gender-based violence has emerged as a key issue during the pandemic – at home, in schools, on the streets, and online. While digital technologies have helped young people feel connected, they also opened them up to risks and harms such as grooming, harassment, and non-consensual image sharing. Our research responded to […]

Outside the Box: Open-Air Performance as a Pandemic Response

Case Study Theatre and performance artists innovated in their open-air practices during the pandemic, addressing the impacts upon the cultural sector and social isolation caused by lockdowns, alongside the ongoing protracted crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Spanning theatre and management studies, Outside the Box: Open Air Performance as a Pandemic Response worked with […]

Cultural Translation and Interpreting of COVID-19 Risks among London’s Migrant Communities

Case Study This research addresses the often-noted disproportionate impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on migrant communities and the difficulty of reaching those communities with Public Health messages. To address this problem, we studied how different and diverse cultural communities receive information about COVID-19, interpreted/translated it according to their language conventions and acted upon it. We […]

Public health messaging during the COVID pandemic: Dating app usage and sexual wellbeing among men who have sex with men

About the project This research studied the experiences of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. The study’s focus was on uses of dating and hook up apps, sexual activity and how and how this changed during the pandemic as restrictions such as social distancing and lockdowns […]

Distanced Arts: Investigating the design, delivery, and impacts of Entelechy Arts’ Staying Connected Programme

About the project Led by a research team at Queen Mary University London and Entelechy Arts, this research explored how a programme of remotely provided arts and creative activities provided through Entelechy Arts’ Staying Connected programme might mitigate the negative health and wellbeing impacts of the pandemic for older people. Programmes were co-created with participants. […]

Online access to cultural activities for people living with brain injury

About the project The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns magnified the challenges that individuals with ABI experienced, with increased isolation and loneliness due to shutdown of services as well as increased risk of anxiety and depression. Brain Waves is a 12-week online performance arts programme developed for people with acquired brain injury (ABI) during the COVID-19 […]

Lex-Atlas COVID-19: A Comparative Study of National Legal Responses to COVID-19

About the project Lex-Atlas aimed to provide an integrated overview of national legal responses to COVID-19. It analysed how countries deployed emergency legislation within their constitutional and socio-political contexts and examined how different forms of disruption, or variations in social policy coverage and care of human rights ensued. It attempted a neutral account of the […]