The Application of Motion-Capture Technology in Telematic and Virtual Dance Performance Through a Framework for Long-distance Remote Communication

About the project This project involved the development, testing, and implementation of an open-source software tool for the real-time streaming of motion capture data. The Goldsmiths MoCap Streamer allowed dancers from different locations to meet and dance together in a shared virtual space, with a convincing sense of physical co-presence, direct interaction, and virtual touch. […]

Infodemic: Combatting COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories

Case Study At the outset of the pandemic the World Health Organisation warned that misinformation related to Covid-19 could lead to an “infodemic” as dangerous the virus itself. This project studied how and why conspiracy theories spread online, and what can be done about them. The team used data-scraping technology to extract millions of conspiracy […]

Documentation of Life during COVID-19: Understanding (Lack of) Touch from a Deafblind Perspective

Case Study Covid-19 has acutely heightened our awareness of, and need for touch, simply because we were told not to touch. For deafblind communities, who rely on haptic experiences to navigate the world, the fear of touch and intimacy in a post-Covid-19 society has imposed new challenges and further increased social isolation. It has simultaneously […]

Visitor Interaction and Machine Curation in the Virtual Liverpool Biennial: A Towards a National Collection Covid-19 Project

About the project This project started from the observation that most machine learning and artifical intelligence systems are deployed in a GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) context as etiher search engines or as ways to automate cataloguing. The research team proposed to use machine learning in a more interactive setting. The project led to […]


Like a new beginning: a message of hope, inspiration and community from the Pandemic and Beyond Lived Experience Panel

Dr Karen Gray records the reflections of the Lived Experience Panel members, who have been helping shape Pandemic & Beyond’s approach to research and public engagement. They discuss contributing to ongoing, urgent research initiatives and what lies ahead for creative research. From its earliest moments, the Pandemic & Beyond team has benefitted from the skills […]

Nature and Sustainability

Arts and Humanities research on Covid-19 often has a bearing on environmental sustainability and the relationship between the individual and their natural environment.  Research on how to help the creative industries weather the shocks of lockdowns has notably explored digital media as a low-carbon alternative to travel and designed digital platforms that enable new forms of virtual co-presence. Performance practitioners have also turned […]


The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare provision for children with long-term conditions.

This blog shares insights from an ongoing research project that explores how the health systems response to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic affected children and young people with long-term conditions in the UK. Based on a scoping review of academic studies, and subsequent focus groups with healthcare practitioners, parents and carers, the project examines the impact […]

Cultural and Creative Industries

Arts and Humanities research during the pandemic has shown how the crisis is galvanising practitioners and stakeholders in the cultural sector to find new models for producing work and for reaching audiences. However, it has also exposed structural inequalities and exclusions for audiences and for the sector’s workforce.   Technological innovations, including hybrid modes of digital and […]

Models of equitable distribution of vaccines in international law

About the project This project sought to understand why low and middle income countries (LMICs) received significantly fewer vaccines in the pandemic and to understand if legal and policy options open to the World Health Organisation could improve this clear injustice. The project team evaluated in real time international efforts to secure improved vaccine access […]

Bridging Distance in the Creative Industries

Digital Performance This group of projects catalogues, analyses, and evaluates the tremendous advances in digital innovation, which artists and stakeholders in the creative industries have made during the pandemic. Analogue Performance and Creative Industry Structures These projects have examined how hybrid modes of performance, and new, more responsive structures in the creative industries, have offered […]